Alkmaar and Amsterdam - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - Alkmaar and Amsterdam - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

Alkmaar and Amsterdam

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

19 Maart 2010 | Nederland, Alkmaar

On wednesday (03/17) Carole came to visit us in the office. We picked the kids and had lunch at Yander's friends house with his parents, sister and brother. After that we went to the coast and walked for about 2 hours in the dune landscape with Yousse in her walkingcar sleeping. It was good to see the natural landscape; at some point it was like the savanna in Africa. We shortly saw the ocean, but we had to return home because Yander was brought back. We had dinner and I went to Amsterdam by train to visit Bas. Bas lives very close to a big museum. He took me to a cinema where we met Job. It was a nice moment. In the cinema we had to wear special glasses to see everything 3 dimensional. Sometimes it was very scary when something came very close to you. It was about a fairytale. We went to sleep at Bas student's room. He shared kitchen and bathroom with 10 other students. It was nice to see.
Next morning (thursday 03/18) we went to the city centre; we walked almost 3 hours. That was good for me, because I like to walk. We had lunch with 2 other volunteers; Sanne and Marthe. After we did a boattrip for 1 hour to see the city from the waterside. I heard a lot about the history of Amsterdam. We went to central station to take the train back to Alkmaar. I was save and Lianne was at the station to pick me back home. I eat some TZ with groundnutsoup. It was a surprise, I didn't expect it. But it tasted really good. John, a Ghanaian who lives in Alkmaar already for 30 years (married to a dutch docter) came to visit us. We had a long talk, discussing a lot about work, home and generally about Africa. He promised coming to visit Bolgatanga when he is in Ghana next time. He gave me 50 euro as a present and that was really a surprise. It was a nice man, and after 2 hours he had to go home.

  • 19 Maart 2010 - 10:23


    Hey Ibrahim,

    Good to hear you are still enjoying yourself and going strong in Holland. Keep up the nice story telling, I am reading them with pleasure every time. How is your diary coming, already started a new one? I hope we will meet again soon!


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Verslag uit: Nederland, Alkmaar

My trip to The Netherlands

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Verslag gelezen: 131
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Voorgaande reizen:

01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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