The way home - Reisverslag uit Zwolle, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - The way home - Reisverslag uit Zwolle, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

The way home

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

22 April 2010 | Nederland, Zwolle

It was a long trip to Zwolle. We had a break on the way, a short while for coffee. Then we continued again to Zwolle. We arrived at 18:00. At home in Zwolle Michiel was waiting for us, we went with him to a Chinese restaurant, and choosed for an Indonesian ricetable. This is different from the rest of restaurants I visited before. A very spectacular way the meal was served; there was a lot of food for one to have! We really enjoyed the food together, it was fun together. We had a long chat and finally Joyce and Leroy had to return back to Vlissingen. So I walked back home with Michiel, it was a nice evening and also good to be back home.
On sunday (04/18) I spent my time at home, resting. Later in the afternoon Johan returned home. We had a very nice conversation, evaluating the whole tour, and also the preparation towards going home in Ghana.
On mondayafternoon (04/19) we went to Giethoorn with Gea, a friend of Etje and Michiel. It was really nice to see this culture of the Dutch, still be practiced today. Life was really back to basic, I was really happy to see this village, with some similarities.
We had a very nice tour walking and also using the boat as a means of transport; cars could not drive in between all the canals! Goods were only carried to all the neighbours by boat or sometimes a bicycle. Etje returned the boat, little did I know that she was a very good driver. We had an electric boat, so it was much easy to relax and see this beautiful community. There were lots of birds and it was also possible to see the reeds were harvested, transported and used for roofing the houses. We also saw some deer in the wild, grazing.
Also flowers on the wild. It was about 2 1/2 hours through the canals. We finally had to go back to Zwolle, because I had an appointment. It was really nice to see the real life of the Dutch. Later in the evening, after dinner, we went to the church for choir-practice.
On tuesday (04/20) Etje had arranged for me to see how a reed-roofing was made. This was in Rouveen, but rather unfortunate they had gone far with the roofing, but I was interested in the beginning of roofing with reed. So there was a new arrangement to visit on thursday.
So we returned back to Zwolle and I went to a gardenshop (Tuinland), a very big shop, there was a lot to see, a lot to take home, but it was difficult to get these things in Ghana because of the airplane. So we bought some few seeds, so I could try them back at home. If they are good for the climate, we can buy more later. I got a gardeningtool and we had coffee and later had to try to reach the bee-man. It became difficult because of the traffic, most workers had closed from work, so it was difficult driving. So we changed plans and went back home. We arranged it for wednesday-evening.
So wednesdaymorning (04/21) the weather was very good. It was arranged for me to visit the zoo, that was also one of my interest-areas. We left with Michiel, Etje and Lieske. We had to drive in two cars. On reaching there, there were lots of cars, so I was surprised to see that much cars, but Michiel told me that the cars were not so much, because it was a workingday. So we went straight to the entrance of Burgers Zoo, we were given a map. It was such a big park! I thought it was just something small with cages, it was only for me to realize it was such a big one with quite a number of wild animals, birds, monkeys, the desert, a complete historic monument. It was difficult for me to record all that I was seeing, the Dutch are really very good in planning and doing this, really very efficient.

(the story will be continued later this day)

  • 22 April 2010 - 13:35

    Leroy And Joyce:

    Hi Ibrahim, nice to read your story again! Hope you'll finish it soon! we miss you here in Zeeland, but happy to read your enjoying Zwolle again! Enjoy your days cause before you know your back in Ghana. With love Leroy and Joyce and our family

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Zwolle

My trip to The Netherlands

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Actief sinds 25 Feb. 2010
Verslag gelezen: 348
Totaal aantal bezoekers 62171

Voorgaande reizen:

01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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