The way home (part 2) - Reisverslag uit Zwolle, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - The way home (part 2) - Reisverslag uit Zwolle, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

The way home (part 2)

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

23 April 2010 | Nederland, Zwolle

Continuing the story of wednesday:
We saw snakes just like we have in Ghana, and there was one particular snake that was dangerous, which I saw in the zoo. The description given to it was also just the way we also describe it. We have quite a lot of them.
We visited the Ocean-part of the zoo, and were able to walk through a tunnel, so we could see the fishes swimming above us. We had a very clear vision on them and on what really happens in the sea. So for once I've gone under the sea!
I was for the first time seeing a gorilla: they were just like humans! The only problem is that they don't smile. It is good to keep all these legacies, at least for future generations.
We had lunch and later Michiel and Etje had to leave for an appointment, so I stayed with Lieske to see more of the zoo. After an hour we had coffee and later drove back home.
In the evening we visited the bee-keeper again. One of the very important knowledge I need to go home with. It was really nice to visit with Johan, and I was given quite a lot of information, and it was possible that we could buy the protective clothings, the smoker and some other tools to realize the bee-project in Karimenga. He was really such a nice man. I hope I could contact him when I am in Ghana. Then we drove back home, and Johan went back to school.
Thursdaymorning (04/22) was easy at home, and later at 13:00 we had to visit a roofmaker in Rouveen. We were just on time and he took us to the place where they were working with the reed. So I really got a lot of information about how reed-roofs are made here in Holland. It is quite an advanced method in comparison to the way we do in Ghana. Once again I would say that the Dutch are very friendly. I invited him to come sometime on a holiday, so we could educate the locals as to how to do it better. After a while we made some pictures and we had to drive back to Zwolle.
Overthere we visited a second hand shop, a very important place to be! This is a shop I was really very happy I went with Michiel. There are really old, used items, and it was possible for Michiel to tell me history about these items and in which years these were used. It was much back to basic, so I got some more insight in the culture of the Dutch. We just had a very short time and we had to pick Johan at the trainstation.
Little after dinner we had an appointment with Theo Tobé of a foundation that is doing a lot of projects in Africa. He was such a very nice man, who gave us a lot of ideas and plans to set up projects. We had very long discussions and it was really nice that we were offered this opportunity. I still hope to be in contact with him, maybe whilst in Ghana. We later were back home so that Johan could go back to Amstelveen.

  • 25 April 2010 - 15:11


    Hey IB, again you learned a lot! Amazing, you know a lot about the traditional Dutch culture now. Maybe even more than me, haha!
    Looking forward to Queensday! X

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Zwolle

My trip to The Netherlands

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01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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