Still the best place... - Reisverslag uit Vlissingen, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - Still the best place... - Reisverslag uit Vlissingen, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

Still the best place...

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

17 April 2010 | Nederland, Vlissingen

Monday (04/12) I went to Lisette to her home, to stay there for 5 days. Reaching home I had her parents already waiting. It was nice to see them for the first time. We had quit a lot of information about this family. It was nice to see them. Then after a while we had the meeting of Nurses on Tour, to discuss all that was necessary for us. And it took us about three hours. They also gave me a laptop to take with me to Ghana. Everything was well programmed, I was happy to hear what their plans for the future are. Then we had lunch and after we went to Middelburg to do a boat trip and also de Lange Jan, but unfortunately it wasn’t possible. So we walked in the big church and it was very historical. And then after we decided to do window shopping. And when we shopped we came across some product from the north of Ghana, the baskets. It was nice to see. Then after we had to look after the dvd of the Storm. That also wasn’t possible that day, but we arranged for it later on Thursday. So after we came back home and again was taught how to play a game, called Ligretto. It was quite an interesting game, but very stressful. We had an interesting evening with Lasagna on the dinner table. We had a very long talk with Lisette’s parents. Then after we had to go to sleep.
Tuesday (04/13) was also a very nice and sunny day. So I went with Joyce, Lisette en Leroy to a place where we rented the tandem. It was a funny bike to see. Well I chose to ride at the back first with Joyce, because I couldn’t imagine how to keep our balance. So Joyce took the first seat and I had to only sit to peddle. It was really very interesting. Than later I also took over and we went to the beach. We had a very nice stop at the beach. Thereafter we continued through the arsenal and to the train station, then to Leroy’s parents in Oost-Souburg. We had a coffee break there with Leroy’s mother. And after we then continued to Middelburg where we met Mirjam’s parents, An and Jan, at the trainstation. I was happy to see them. So we had to sit somewhere for lunch. Well, it was a nice talk with the old-ones. Also to express my thanks for the great help they gave me during their short stay in Ghana. Then again a big surprise from them, a guestbook for the greenhouse. I didn’t know how to say thank you to this lovely parents. Then came Chantal, one of the volunteers, who right passed. Then Lisette had to catch her, it was really nice to see her too. After a while we had to see goodbye to Mirjam’s parents. They had travelled all the way from Zaandam to Zeeland, it took them 3 hours by train. I’m really very thankful to them. We continued to a cheese farm, on our way we had to say goodbye to Chantal. She had a different program. When we arrived at the cheese farm, there were quite a lot of cheese, but it was too early to give us a workshop about how the cheese was made. We had the opportunity to see the cheese very fresh, we saw how they put them in salt. The small cheese stays in the salt for one day and then the big one also stays for 3 days. We now talk of the young cheese stays for one or two months, before it’s sold. And then the old cheese stays for like a year. The people were really very kind. And then after we had the farmers icecream with a bolustaste. We continued to go back to the place where we rented the bikes and where we left Lisette’s car. Then we came back home for dinner, while it was an early dinner. Then we went to Veere to meet John, this was a nice young man who had offered to sail with us on the sea. This was my first time on a sailing boat, I got to understand how it was possible to sail only with the wind. That was very on the sea, but you know what; I had a life jacket and this made it better. He really did explain the whole sailing process was and how it was also possible to sail even against the wind, This was really difficult to understand but it did work. At some point he gave me the steer, he allowed me to steer the boat, it was nice to do. It was getting dark so we had to go back to the shore. We said goodbye to John, and also promised him in the future if he had the opportunity to come to Ghana, I also teach him how to sail on land. Back home we watched a movie, that’s the Lion King. So then after Joyce and Leroy had to go home.
Wednesday morning (04/14) I helped in splitting the wood early, that was after breakfast. It reminded me of Ghana, we did the same so it was nice to do it also in Middelburg. Then after we went to Neeltje Jans, this is also a place I was really looking forward to see. I had earlier on watched the movie with Mariette’s parents in De Meern. I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it, it was for me sad to see that people had to suffer, died in this tragedy. I asked Joyce, Leroy and Lisette help me to get a dvd of the Storm. I need to show it back home to my community. It has a lot of lessons in it. Then at the Neeltje Jans it was nice to see the whole area, the construction of the whole bridge and all the big stories. It was possible for me to experience the storm in a machine, how strong the wind was, the thunder, the striking... it was not a pleasant experience. I was lucky together with Lisette, Joyce and Leroy, that we survived the storm. There were quite a lot of tourists in this place. And for those who are in Holland and have the opportunity to visit Holland, I say it’s a nice place, you would not regret doing the tour. It will take me more than 3 hours writing about this, but I would suggest that people should visit this facility to see things for themselves. We had lunch and watched a show from the sails. And after we drove back home. Reaching home, Lisette’s father Peter was working on the farm. So I joined him, while Joyce, Leroy and Lisette were washing the cars. So then after they joined myself and Peter on the farm. Peter taught us how to drive the tractor, and we even did a tour to a small harbour. It was really nice to drive this tractor and we enjoyed that evening. Then after we played the donkey game (ezelen), this was really funny to do and it has brought us a lot of joy this evening. We had to say goodbye to Leroy and Joyce again.
Thursday morning (04/15) I went with Peter to the sea to fish, it was really very cold, but we did some exercise by digging with the fork to get the earthworm for fishing, this kept us warm. Peter taught me how to use the fishing line, what we use in Ghana is completely different. So I was happy to learn this new technic. Well, we tried but it wasn’t a good day for fishing. So there was no catch, but it was an interesting experience. To my surprise we fished really very close to a fort that was built by Napoleon Bonaparte. A very historic site. Peter is a retired military man, so he knows all the stories, I had very good talks with Peter. He is a great man and I will never forget of him and his family. He drove me then to Vlissingen where Joyce and Leroy where waiting. Then we continued to Leroy’s grandparents for lunch. Then there was this new technic that you had to call, then a camera spots you and they can see you easily, with you seeing them. A very good security measure. I was really happy to see this technic. They live at the sixth floor. It was nice to meet them. And you know how beautiful it is to see this good smiles from these old-ones. We had a very nice lunch, I got mushroom soup with bread and a varity of things to put in the bread. It was a nice time with them. So we had to say goodbye and we headed to Middelburg. It was the local market day, this was also quite big, Leroy got some seeds for me to take back to Ghana. There were also the police to arrest and give fines to people who were biking in the city, we were expecting Joyce’s sister to join us so we had to call to let her know about the police watching her. There were quite a lot of people, they were sunbathing on the terraces. And then there was music from the people playing the accordeon and the draaiorgel. It was really a very nice atmosphere that day and also Joyce and Leroy bought me a fishing line. Then we did the boattour and after we had a coffee with Joyce sister and the friend. Later myself and Leroy went to the supermarket while Joyce, the sister and the friend went to look for the dvd. Then after we drove back to Lisette’s house. Early in the morning Lisette had to go to school in Rotterdam, so she returned later back home. So we met her at home. Then we had dinner and Joyce, Leroy and Lisette went out on the trampoline to jump. I didn’t like the idea of jumping so I didn’t join them, so I only watched them. Sometimes they were screaming and making fun. It was a nice evening. We tried to call Mariam but it was not possible, then I called the farm in Ghana to find out how they were doing. It was good to hear from them. In the evening we watched Free Willy I, whilst Lisette’s parents went out to visit some other friends. It was a nice movie and we later had to say goodbye to Leroy and Joyce. But Joyce was trying to stay but we did not allow her and had to send her away.
Friday (04/16) in the morning I did some splitting of the wood and also packing them to make some more space, then after we had to go to Leroy and Joyce place. We had some lunch with them and we later moved to their university, they showed me around and I was happy to meet the people from the international office, who arrange internships for Meet Africa volunteers. I was happy to hear all the arrangements of Nurses on Tour, trying to get more students to come through Meet Africa to do their internships. We also met an old man who arranging something with sports to contribute to Nurses on Tour. It was a nice man. And then after we went ritthem to do Boerengolf. For the first time going to play golf, or to even understand the rules of this game, I never liked golf before but now I have the interest in this and hope that I could start this game in Karimenga. We had a nice time all together, we played above average. I was given a cap and some stickers and promised to send some pictures when I’m able to start it. We had coffee at the camping, later we drove back home, through some Ghana-roads. It was a very nice landscape. Then we got back home and Peter and his friend Bram were working in the garden, so I immediately joined them. So I was using the tractor to collect the wood and they were also cutting the wood in pieces for me. It was nice to be able to work, and then we were called in for dinner. Wendy is a Burundian girl with her son Darren, and they cooked an African dish. This was rice, sauce, chicken, tilapia fish and TZ. It was really very nice and I really tasted the African food, she was good. Then came Nino, a boy from 10 years who’s Joyce friend, who surprised me with books, pencils, erasers, to support some deprived schools in the North of Ghana. I was really overwhelmed that such a small boy thinking about these other friends, who he even did not know, helping them. I was glad. So I asked Wendy to really thank this boy on the behalf of Africans. I had some presents from Nurses on Tour and we sang an african song all together. That signified my last dinner.
This morning (saturday 04/17) we saw the cars which Leroy and Joyce are going to drive with to Ghana. They are really nice. I also had a quick look at Leroy’s work placement and then we had a say goodbye lunch. In a few hours Leroy and Joyce will take me to go to Zwolle.

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Vlissingen

My trip to The Netherlands

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01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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