To the headquarter - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - To the headquarter - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

To the headquarter

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

17 Maart 2010 | Nederland, Alkmaar

Monday (03/15) was the start of the third week. It was a good one. I had to go with Johan to his university to see how the university was. And also the hospital. These were very interesting moments for me to see. Then at 3 o'clock he put me on the train to Alkmaar. The first time alone in the train. The surprising thing for me was that I was told in 30 min time I would be in Alkmaar; and yes; it was true. I was so happy. I came out of the train and already my mother was waiting for me. With my other small brother and sister; Yander and Yousse. It was nice to see them; all calling my name Ibrahim. The smallest told me she baked a cake for me. That was nice to hear from the little one (2 years): I felt really welcome. We walked home, that was quite close. Later around six we left for a dinner near to the beach. Little did I know there was this big meeting waiting for me as a special guest. This was a meeting of the club of small enterpreneurs of Northern-Holland. It was so nice to meet this group of persons and I was giving some time to tell my story about what I do in Africa. Though it was a surprise, but I got the courage and told them about what Meet Africa is doing in Ghana and asked that they should come to visit our tourism projects in northern Ghana. It was a nice evening, a lot to eat: also guinee fowl! A lot of drinks. Afterwards some of the members came closer to talk with me and Lianne. There was also a workshop about how to make your business different from others. We had to fill in a graft; and ours (Meet Africa) was being used as an example to explane the theory to the others. We felt really very important. We left around 10 back home. I had to go to bed. I had a very nice sleep and the next day (tuesday 03/16) I had to bring the children to school together with Lianne. It was interesting to ride a bicycle in the cold morning. We first send Yander to his nursery school and then Yousse to her kindergarten. It was nice to see how the teachers welcomed the children. It look more like the teachers were the real parents of the children. I was so happy. We later had to ride back home through another road. I went on the long bike with the box for the children (bakfiets). I drove very close along 4 windmills. It was interesting to ride the long bike. We went to the city; the townhall, some constructionwork on the road. Everybody was busy with his work or journey; nobody was sitting down. Back home; we had to work small in the office in the backyard of Lianne's house. A nice place to work; very quiet. Later in the afternoon we picked the children from school. Then we went to the organic supermarket and the bucher. It was completely different from Ghana. We got home and had lunch. And drove to a farm in 'T Rijpje; a village 20 km from Alkmaar. To my surprise this was one of the volunteers of 2004, who was now a doctor and married to a farmer. It was a big farm where they grow organic vegetables. It was nice to see this vegetables in the greenhouse (kas). And also the prossesing of vegetables for storage and some farming tools to clean, plant and harvest the vegetables. It was nice talking to the farmer and I was given some carrot and other vegetables seeds for my farm in Karimenga. I was told to come back to have a whole day working together with them. We got back home and went to pray in my room. I took a rest before dinner. Richard joined us at dinner. We had lambsausage, mashed potatoes with winterpostelein, which we got from the farm earlier. We saw a movie and went to bed early around 9.

  • 17 Maart 2010 - 10:22


    Another great story!

  • 17 Maart 2010 - 11:09


    waht a nice pictures and experiences, I think you learned a lot again Ibrahim and made many people happy as well. It is such a joy to show you around,
    see you in a few days again, we miss you! Mum

  • 17 Maart 2010 - 11:09


    waht a nice pictures and experiences, I think you learned a lot again Ibrahim and made many people happy as well. It is such a joy to show you around,
    see you in a few days again, we miss you! Mum

  • 18 Maart 2010 - 21:41


    Dear Ibrahim!
    It is a great pleasure to hear that you are in the Netherlands...It has been long since we talked and I don't know whether you remember me...I was in Ghana some years back, I think I was one of the first volunteers you guided, and I share good memories of you. On the back of your motercycle, visiting the chief of Bongo, drinking tea in Bolga. I would love to meet you, although I was told that you have a very busy schedule. Please, you can contact me at: you ever reach to Leiden, I would love to give you a tour!!!
    Friendly regards,

  • 23 Maart 2010 - 19:16


    So good to hear you're in Holland! I'm so happy for you that you can meet all the volunteers again and you're able to discover our country and our culture!
    When I got the scheme I saw you're in Amsterdam these days! As you maybe already heard we'll see each other thursday! I'm so happy! :)
    As you may remember, I promised you to go to my grandfathers farm. In the pictures and the scheme I saw you already visited and are going to visit the farm. Think about yourself if you want another.. it's up to you!

    Okay, see you soon!

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Alkmaar

My trip to The Netherlands

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Actief sinds 25 Feb. 2010
Verslag gelezen: 179
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01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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