Building Bridges - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - Building Bridges - Reisverslag uit Alkmaar, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

Building Bridges

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

26 Maart 2010 | Nederland, Alkmaar

After three days with Anandi, I needed to go by train to Zwolle for the weekend. It was such a great time seeing Johans parents again! I felt back home. I had a very nice weekend. For example, I went shopping and also walked around Zwolle alone, for about two hours. It was nice to see the beautiful Zwolle on my own eh?! I When I came back from the walk I had lunch with Michiel. Later we went for singing practice. It was nice to hear the Dutch songs. I had a nice time being in the church with the other members.
On tuesday morning (03/23) I went with Michiel to his workplace, the rehabilitation centre. He showed me once more all his colleagues, his director and all the staff he was working with. It was such a very great organization eh?! Then after we drove to the train station for the journey to meet Lieke in Amsterdam. It was interesting to go alone again in the train, and this time to change trains in Amersfoort, all by myself! But it was nice to do it. I arrived at Sloterdijk at 13:45. Lieke was there to pick me up. I was so happy to see Lieke once more again! So from there we went by bus to Lieke’s home. We had some tea and lunch, and went shopping for dinner. When we came home, about half an hour later Ingrid joined us, and thereafter John, and lastly Sanneke. It was such a great time seeing them all! We had very long conversation, while we were waiting for Lieke to finish the dinner. It was a really nice dinner with eating and talking, the Dutch way. We had a great evening again. Time said we had to depart. I had a great night on my nice bed with the hot water bag (kruik) to keep my bed warm.
The next day (wednesday 03/24) after breakfast we went to Lieke’s parents in Alkmaar. It was such a great time to visit the school where Lieke’s mother was teaching. We had the opportunity to see the classrooms. Then we later went to Lieke’s parents home. It was such a very beautiful home, with a very nice garden, with a lot of creative arts from Lieke’s mother. I was so happy to see the small nature with some creatures like the frog and the water-lizard. It was the first time I saw those lizards living in water. It was such a great garden! So we had lunch with Lieke and her mum, and thereafter we were riding bicycles to see more nature. After a while riding when we saw many horses and scheep, we parked those bicycles where we walked for an hour through the forest. It was really very nice to do this! We later had to ride back home, where Lieke’s junior sister was by then home, and also her mother (who had gone to shop for us) and then her father joined. What a strong man! A man of 58 years and he cycled about 90 kilometres. He started a 10.00 in the morning and came back home at 17.30. I really liked him for that. Then again, it was hard to say goodbye. I had this great time being with them. A postcard was given to me by the family, to thank me for the visit. I felt really honored. I wish I could see them again.
Yes, the train back again to Amsterdam, where Sanneke was waiting for us to return for dinner at her place. She lives close to Central Station. It was nice to see her at here home, with her housemate. Shortly after Jan-Willem joined us. There was enough food for us to eat. I liked the food very much, because it has no name [laughing loud]. It was vegetables, fish, there were some mushrooms, potatoes, some salad, and that was it. The combination was good. So, I gave her the grade-one-caterer. We had a very nice evening together, we finally had to say goodbye about 23.30. It was a great date.
Today (thursday 03/25) I had the information about a family brother who was living in de Bijlmer. So, together with Lieke we had to find him, for which we succeeded. I was so happy to see him! It was such a long time, I did not know where he was. We stayed very long for me to talk to Abu, find out what he was doing and what the culture here had been for him. This is such a great change! Well, after three hours talking we had to move to the Bijlmer-Arena Station to pick up Jan-Willem, Iris and a classmate of Lieke’s. We had lunch, and it was so nice, together in an open place. After we visited the African Market. I was so surprised to see a lot of the African food. We talk of yam, rice, beans, plantain, banku-mix, fufu-flour and a whole lot of African products. So I think it’s possible for one to have Ghanian food in Holland. There were a lot of blacks in this region! It was such a great time. We could do window-shopping. We ended up in a music-shop, and it was difficult to leave the shop, they had very good music! Iris bought a CD where she had been looking for a long time in Holland. Then we had to leave for the station. Together we had to say goodbye to Abu. I felt really not good for Abu for what he was going through. It was not easy for him. Together we travelled with the metro. Jan-Willem went out first, then Iris, and I continued with Lieke to her place. There I could pick up my things for Ingrid’s home. This trip was not planned for, but it will be a great success!

  • 30 Maart 2010 - 19:11


    hi Ibrahim, how are you now? We think it is very quiet without you in our life! do you enjoy yourself? and learn a lot? not only work here in Holland! have a good time and we hope to see you soon again. best wishes, Michiel and Etje

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Alkmaar

My trip to The Netherlands

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Verslag gelezen: 171
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01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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