The first two days - Reisverslag uit Hilversum, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu - The first two days - Reisverslag uit Hilversum, Nederland van Ibrahim Salifu -

The first two days

Door: ibrahiminnederland

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ibrahim

02 Maart 2010 | Nederland, Hilversum

Dear all,
I'm so happy to be here in Holland, thank you all, also for welcome me on Schiphol.
Yesterday we took the car to Nienke's house in Hilversum. On the road I saw a lot of cars, trees without leaves. Nienke drove 120 km/h, but it was stable and very comfortable. I must admit i felt at home. On arrival i met Walter again, the gentleman i was yelling to meet. He was really lovely. We had a nice talk and after a rest we went to walk the dog at the hei. From the hei we also went to shop for dinner. The supermarket was very different from what i'm used to in Ghana. One can get almost everything there. A big suprise for me, didn't expect this. We had a very nice dinner prepared by Walter. Very delicious. rice with green beanes and meatballs and peanutsauce. After this i sat down and wrote it all up in my diary. For the first time i write down what i do all day. So i understand why all the volunteres write a lot in Africa. it was a good first day. I had to go to sleep early because there was a lot in my mind and had to be alone to think of all that i saw and if it was reality or a dream.
I woke up early the second day (03/02) after a good night and pray in the morning. I was first to wake so helped the dog and had some breakfast. And watched some tv. I took my first hot shouwer and it took me a while to find the balance between hot and cold. I had some good fun with the shouwer. Then we were ready to leave for Madurodam.
On the way there in the car i saw some nice landscape and farms and also a lot of bikes and windmills. It was a good morning with the sun shining and a lot for me to see. We got to Madurodam, a very big surprise to see Holland in such small size. It gave me an insight to where i was. It was really good to see. I made a nice picture of me in the wooden shoes. Also a nice picture of me and a windmill. After the walk through Madurodam we took time for a snack and coffee. And then we went on to the beach. A very nice place and a lot of work going on. Preperations for the summer where being made. it was much colder there. Then we walked up to the pier and went to a restaurant and i had poffertjes and a coke. It was a nice meal, i enjoyed it. On the way home we had some bad traffic. But still much better then driving in Ghana. Then we stopped in IJsselstein to meet Nienke's mother. What a wonderfull mother! She was so caring and i was happy to see her for the first time. We had a wonderfull dinner. Macaroni with cheese from the oven. It taste so good. After dinner we had some vla. Also very good.
Now as we speak i am typing from the computer in Ijsselstein. I am speaking and Walter is typing. For any mistakes blame him:)
Some pictures of my days will follow.

  • 02 Maart 2010 - 20:16


    I was very happy meeting you and that you was joing us with a visit. I think you will like it here in Holland! I wish you a very very great time in our cold and small country!


  • 02 Maart 2010 - 20:51


    Nice story, I hope to read lots of those! What did you like better, the poffertjes or the macaroni with cheese?

  • 02 Maart 2010 - 22:15

    Leroy And Joyce:

    Hi Ibrahim!

    Nice to read your story of your first days in Holland. It was great to see all the pictures. Enjoy!

    With love Leroy and Joyce

  • 03 Maart 2010 - 16:37


    Hello Ibrahim,

    Good to see that you arrived in Holland safely. Hopefully I will meet you with Muhutaru here in Holland in April.

    Greetings, Mathilde

  • 17 Maart 2010 - 20:35

    Marjolein Reijners:

    Dear Ibrahim,

    It is so great to notice you are in the Netherlands! I loved to read your stories. Soon I give you a call, because I really would like to meet you.
    Have a very good time! And hopefully till soon!

    Marjolein (Volunteer with Hannah Bukari in Nangodi)

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Hilversum

My trip to The Netherlands

Recente Reisverslagen:

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At the beach

Actief sinds 25 Feb. 2010
Verslag gelezen: 166
Totaal aantal bezoekers 62171

Voorgaande reizen:

01 Maart 2010 - 01 Mei 2010

My trip to The Netherlands

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